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List of personality traits in French

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Let’s say you want to describe someone’s personality in French. Is this person generous? An extrovert or an introvert? Calm or confident, principled or practical? The following list of French adjectives will help you find just the word you’re looking for to describe personal qualities and characteristics. It’s a great resource for learning adjectives in French, too!

If you need some orientation on how to form adjectives in French, look no further than our step-by-step guide.


  1. The most important personality traits in French
  2. Positive personality traits in French
  3. Neutral personality traits in French
  4. Negative personality traits in French

The most important personality traits in French – If you only need the essential adjectives

courageux/ courageuse = brave

créatif/créative = creative

gentil/ gentille = nice, kind

honnête = honest

intelligent/ intelligente = intelligent

inventif/ inventive = inventive

poli/ polie = polite

sage = wise

sincère = sincere

talentueux/ talentueuse = talented

réservé/ réservée = reserved

strict/ stricte = strict

timide = shy, timid

désordonné/ désordonnée = messy

ennuyeux/ ennuyeuse = dull, boring

intolérant/ intolérante = intolerant

malveillant/ malveillante = malicious

méchant/ méchante = mean

naïf/ naïve = naive

A comprehensive list of personality traits in French

Positive personality traits

affable = affable

aimable = nice, kind

ambitieux (m)/ ambitieuse (f) = ambitious

athlétique = athletic

attentionné/ attentionnée = caring

autonome = autonomous

assuré/ assurée = confident

aventureux/ aventureuse = adventurous (attention: no “d” in the French version!)

bienveillant/ bienveillante = benevolent

calme = calm (attention: this is used for both genders – you can’t use “calm” with masculine subjects!)

capable = capable, able

charismatique = charismatic

charmant/ charmante = charming

chic = elegant

compétent/ compétente = competent

consciencieux/ consciencieuse = conscientious (attention: no “t” in the French version!)

courageux/ courageuse = brave

courtois/ courtoise = courteous

créatif/créative = creative

cultivé/ cultivée = cultured

débrouillard/ débrouillarde = resourceful

désintéressé/ désintéressée = selfless

dévoué/ dévouée = dedicated; un élève très dévoué = a very dedicated student

discipliné/ disciplinée = disciplined

efficace = efficient

enthousiaste = enthousiastic

extraverti/ extravertie = extrovert

flexible = flexible

fier/ fière = proud; être fier/ fière de qn/qch = to be proud of sy/sg

franc/ franche = frank, straightforward

gai/ gaie = cheerful

gentil/ gentille = nice, kind

habile = skillful

honnête = honest

humble = humble

idéaliste = idealistic (attention: this is used for both genders – you can’t use “idéalist” with masculine subjects)

imaginatif/ imaginative = imaginative

indépendant/ indépendante = independent

industrieux, industrieuse = industrious

instruit/ instruite = educated

intelligent/ intelligente = intelligent, smart

introverti/ introvertie = introvert

inventif/ inventive = inventive

judicieux/ judicieuse = judicious

juste = fair (attention: this is used for both genders – you can’t use “just” with masculine subjects)

méthodique = methodical

modeste = modest (attention: this is used for both genders – you can’t use “modest” with masculine subjects)

organisé/ organisée = organized

persévérant/ persévérante = persistent

poli/ polie = polite

sage = wise

sentimental/ sentimentale = sentimental

sérieux/ sérieuse = serious

serviable = helpful

sincère = sincere

sympathique (or: sympa in familiar speech) = likeable, nice

talentueux/ talentueuse = talented

tolérant/ tolérante = tolerant

vif/ vive = quick, sharp

Neutral personality traits in French

audacieux/ audacieuse = daring

bavard/ bavarde = chatty

croyant/ croyante = a believer/ religious

enfantin/ enfantine = childlike

énigmatique = enigmatic

fantasque = whimsical

imaginatif/ imaginative = imaginative

obéissant/ obéissante = obedient

oublieux/ oublieuse = forgetful

réservé/ réservée = reserved

rêveur/ rêveuse = dreamy (or absent-minded) (but: “dream-like” – e.g., an object: un(e)qui fait rêver)

strict/ stricte = strict

secret/ secrète = secretive; être secret/ secrète sur qch = to be secretive about sg

timide = shy, timid

Negative personality traits in French

amoral/ amorale = amoral

arrogant/ arrogante = arrogant

avide = greedy (for money, power, etc.); être avide de qc = to be greedy for…

brusque = blunt, rude

conformiste = conformist

déloyal/ déloyale = disloyal; être déloyal/ déloyale envers qn = to be disloyal to someone

désordonné/ désordonnée = messy

désorganisé/ désorganisée = disorganized

distrait/ distraite = absent-minded

ennuyeux/ ennuyeuse = dull, boring

entêté/ entêtée = stubborn

* hargneux/ hargneuse (h aspiré!) = belligerent, aggressive

impatient/ impatiente = impatient

imprudent/ imprudente = imprudent

indiscret/ indiscrète = indiscreet

intolérant/ intolérante = intolerant

irrévérencieux/ irrévérencieuse = irreverent

maladroit/ maladroite = clumsy

malpoli/ malpolie = rude

malveillant/ malveillante = malicious

méchant/ méchante = mean

morne = gloomy, joyless

naïf/ naïve = naive

narcissique = narcissistic

négligent / négligente = careless

obstiné/ obstinée = obstinate

odieux/ odieuse = heinous, detestable

paresseux/ paresseuse = lazy

pointilleux/ pointilleuse = punctilious, fussy

puéril/ puérile = childish (both pejorative and neutral usage)

tatillon/ tatillonne = finicky, pedantic, fussy

vaniteux/ vaniteuse = conceited, vain

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